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Parent Information

All you need to know


Our Curriculum

Learning through play- small steps, giant leaps

We aim to provide a safe, nurturing and engaging environment where children can develop and learn through play to reach their own potential.We believe that children should have the opportunities to explore, engage and focus their attention with the flexibility to plan at the moment following the child's interests and what motivates them, and opportunities to extend what they know.

We aim to support children to become confident, independent, resilient young people ready to move on to their next journey and wish for them to develop a rich vocabulary to support a lifelong curiosity for learning.


Outdoor Learning

We offer this a part of our everyday provision as their are any proven benefits for children when learning outdoors and connecting with nature including mental and physical health, wellbeing, engagement, behaviour, attitudes to learning, cognitive, resilience, self-esteem, social skills, personal development.

Children playing in the nature area
Children playing with a globe

'In the Moment' Planning

In the moment planning is a strategy where a topic is spontaneously planned by the early years' education based upon individual children's interests. In the moment planning takes each moment of curiosity and turns it into one activity.

By allowing children the freedom to explore their own interests, it increases their engagement as they are allowed to participate in activities they have chosen themselves.

We have adapted and implemented this approach to our setting.

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